Gronau, Werner / Miler, Ryszard / Pac, Bohdan (Ed.):
Maritime Logistics in the EU.
- Competitivness versus Sustainability -


2015. 132 Seiten,
mit zahlreichen Abbildungen, Fotos und Tabellen.

ISBN 978-3-936438-74-1

25,00 EUR inkl. MwSt (D)


Zu beziehen im lokalen Buchhandel

Due to globalization the world sees a constant increase in transport flows. ln order to avoid increasing transport demand to become an even more challenging dimension when aiming at a more sustainable future, processes and strategies have to be developed and implemented  to reduce the transport related negative  impacts. This publication therefore aims at creating awareness on the challenges within the maritime logistics sector through increasing competition, which forces stakeholders towards more efficient and, at the same time more sustainable ways of operation. The included articles tackle these challenges from various perspectives,  including  CSR in the case of port operations, competitiveness  of cargo handling seaport terminals, strategic analysis of commercial seaports, quantitative forecast methods on turnover of commercial seaports, competitiveness on the market of maritime  passenger transport and algo- rithmisation of processes at containerised cargo handling terminals.